a_isfor wrote in fyentertainment Oct 28, 2014 20:53
i am not buying it!, everything is melvin and nothing hurts, like the cray you!, what the christ., fye is like the valley of the smurfs, murkus, get wiggy with it, go eat a cheese, i paddled like a mofo for about 30 min, wrong false and a lie, here is where i come to share my shame, a voice beyond understand, the feng shui of the comm is all fucked , happy melvember, !!wank post, glampirate, glitter rock vampire, stfu! uridiocy is showing, oh the ironing
binkleywtf wrote in fyentertainment Dec 31, 2013 15:25
srsly how does he real, (we have pics), everything is melvin and nothing hurts, 100% certifiably flawless, adam is a cubcake, lolunfaww, das a virile man y’all, only films lamps and fried bananas, val doonican, lesbian whisperer, ♥‿♥, highly symmetrical dreamboat, follicular occurrence on Adam’s face, his fucking voice his fucking faaace!!!, happy melvember, ʘ‿ʘ, !!bert post, *___* thank you pilates, starchild ☮, literally ladybonering, i cant and i wont :d, perfectly constructed face, welcome to the age of youtube sirs, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, paul lambert
binkleywtf wrote in fyentertainment Nov 22, 2013 21:25
fire in your panties, stanning the superior sheeran, ♥‿♥, every moment is a gif, 100% certifiably flawless, happy melvember, ʘ‿ʘ, !!bert post, *sweaty, *___* thank you pilates, cock, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯